Cremation: A Dignified Alternative to Burial

In recent years, cremation has gained popularity throughout the United States as a dignified and hon­orable alternative to traditional burial. Family mem­bers are increasingly choosing this option for their loved ones and individuals are choosing this option for themselves as part of their funeral preplanning. The reasons for this are quite varied and encompass a wide range of religious, spiritual, economic, and deeply-held personal concerns regarding the hereafter.

For some, cremation fulfills a specific religious re­quirement necessary for one’s soul to pass unfettered into the afterlife. For others, cremation is chosen as a way to help lessen the emotional and financial burden their passing may have on surviving family members.

If you are considering cremation for yourself or a loved one, we would be honored to discuss the options available to you and help answer any questions you may have.

Please Call Us to Schedule an Appointment: 716-692-4917